Training philosophy and objectives


Training philosophy


Education is oriented towards liberality, linked to practice, nurturing honesty, responsibility and creative capacity.


Training objectives

General objective:


The overall objective of the program is to train highly qualified human resources with political qualities and professional ethics; good health and professional knowledge in the field of banking and international finance; ability to use English fluently at work; ability to work and solve problems in the field of banking and international finance independently and creatively; social responsibility, sense of community and ability to participate well in the global labor market in the field of banking and international finance.


Detailed objectives:


The high-quality bachelor program Banking and International Finance aims at the following detailed objectives:

PO1: After graduation, learners can become experts and financial managers in the field of banking and international finance.

PO2: Learners comprehend scientific methodologies, logical thinking to be able to self-study for life. Learners have basic knowledge of economics and business related to Banking and Finance. Learners have the ability to apply in-depth knowledge of banking and international finance to solve real-world problems.

PO3: Learners have strong political ideologies and obey the law. Learners have general skills in handling work and the ability to proficiently use information technology and English at work.

PO4: Learners have an in-depth understanding of knowledge related to the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certificate and can achieve the equivalent of CFA level 1 upon graduation. Learners are updated with new trends in the field of banking and finance.