List of Lecturer in MSc Program in Banking and Finance

There are currently 36 lecturers participating in the Master of Science in Banking and Finance program, in which 19 lecturers are from the Faculty...

Introduction of MSc Program in Banking and Finance’s 2 orientations

Highly qualified human resources in the banking and finance sector are essential for the country's socio-economic development both in terms of application and research....

Programme specification

The MSc Program in Banking – Finance, with 2 orientations: application and research, is built on the inheritance and the promotion of the inherent...

Expected learning outcome

The MSc. in B&F Program is designed based on the actual demands of the labor market, as well as the missions and visions of...

Enrollment For Master and Doctoral Programs for December 2019 Intake

Announcement from Faculty of Postgraduate Studies:

Enrollment For Master and Doctoral Programs for June 2019 Intake

Announcement from Faculty of Postgraduate Studies:

Changes in Entrance Exam Subjects For Master Programs from June 2019 Intake

Announcement from Faculty of Postgraduate Studies:

Enrollment For Master and Doctoral Program for December 2018 Intake

Announcement from Faculty of Postgraduate Studies:

Enrollment For Master and Doctoral Program for June 2018 Intake

Announcement from Faculty of Postgraduate Studies: